South Deep Education TrustThe Purpose of The Trust

To provide funding to the Beneficiaries* for:
Educational training facilities, board and lodging, tuition, scholarships, bursaries, skills development, provision of school buildings, equipment for educational institutions, curriculum support, school development, safety & security at schools, outreach programmes, study and research;
Donations to charitable institutions with similar objectives to the SDET
Community-based Projects
Self-help, poverty alleviation, empowerment, capacity-building, provision of training, support or assistance to emerging micro-enterprises
Provision of funding to Labour Sending Areas (LSAs)*
Selected by the trustees in their discretion from the ranks of:
- The Legal Resources Centre (LRC), or its successor(s) in title;
- Historically disadvantaged persons (HDPs)*
- SAPS Widows & Orphans Fund or its successor(s) in title
Provided that:
- the HDPs and the Beneficiaries of the SAPS Widows & Orphans Fund hail from the LSAs and/or the communities surrounding the South Deep Mine;
- all distributions received by the LRC shall be utilised for the benefit of the HDPs and Beneficiaries of the SAPS Orphans & Widows Fund who hail from the LSAs and/or the communities surrounding the South Deep Mine
Historically Disadvantaged Persons are defined in the Trust Deed as:
- Any individual or community categorised as “previously disadvantaged” in SA legislation;
- Any historically disadvantaged entity (incl companies, CCs or associations) duly incorporated i.t.o SA law, in which historically disadvantaged individuals / communities constitute at least 75% of such entity, AND directly / indirectly:
- Hold the majority of the issued share capital, members’ interest or equivalent equity;
- Hold the majority of the voting rights;
- Have a spes and/or right to receive the majority of the income on any distribution made by it of all its income; and
- Have a spes and/or right to receive the majority of its capital upon winding up.
- Any trust in which HDPs constitute at least 75% of the beneficiaries of such trust, directly / indirectly:
- Have a spes and/or right to receive the majority of the income on any distribution made by it of all its income; and
- Have a spes and/or right to receive the majority of its capital upon termination.
Labour Sending Areas is defined in the Trust Deed as:
- Such geographical locations which, due to socio-economic circumstances yield a high rate of migration from such areas to localities from which Gold Fields Limited or its subsidiaries trade.
On 3 September 2014, the trustees made the following decisions with regard to:
The emphasis of the Trusts should be on creating partnerships and making an impact, not on donations or handouts.
The Trust’s beneficiaries:
- RESOLVED that the SDET’s operations will not emphasize the Legal Resources Centre and the SAPS Widows and Orphans Funds going forward;
- The trustees note that the operations of the Trusts are aimed at the broader community;
- RESOLVED that in future, one of the criteria for any project will be its geographical impact.
The Trust’s objectives:
- not social grants or handouts;
- must be an education aspect or projects funded by the SDET.

Contact Us
Tel: +27 (0) 11 5440300
Email: Trust Administrator Mbali Dlanga southdeepcommunity@tshikululu.org.za