Kagisano Day Care Centre

Sector: Early Childhood Development

Kagisano is an early childhood development (ECD) centre in Hillshaven.

The Early Childhood Development Project of Kagisano Day Care Centre aims to provide a day care and crèche where pre-school children could be provided with holistic early childhood development which includes care, healthy meals and developmental activities for these children. Many parents of these children cannot afford day care fees and the project support focuses on supporting children from low or no income families.

The SDET currently subsidises the fees for 45 children whose parents cannot afford to pay for creche, and has upgraded toys and learning materials for the Centre.

The ultimate aim of the project is to create a flagship ECD centre in Hillshaven that will cater for 150 children by 2019. It is foreseen that the budget for this project will have to be substantially increased to achieve the goal of establishing an ECD centre.

Some of the key highlights for 2017 include:

  • Managed to obtain toys, blankets, a gas heater and mattresses that the centre needed with the Trust’s assistance;
  • Fundraising opportunity being pursued with Athletics South Africa (ASA);
  • Partnering with Philani Development Centre;
  • Growth in demand for child care – from 45 to 72 children in a year;
  • Created an additional two full time teacher positions; and
  • Gold Fields South Deep Mine to provide land lease to allow for the upgrade of the centre.

Some of the key highlights for 2018 include:

  • 59 Children attended the centre; and
  • Fundraising team formulated and have started to apply with different stakeholders. Sustainability for the organisation will be seen when they have moved to the new center as the current space doesn’t allow them to plant the various crops for their sustainability plan.

Some of the key highlights for 2019 include:

  • The Social Enterprise is looking at running 24 hour and weekend care as part of their enterprise in partnership with Rand Water Foundation.
  • Attended Capacity Building training from Faded Black Innovations and Matthew Goniwe for Social Entrepreneurship and Governance respectively.